Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Anethum's Face Sandwich

when someone ask you how to make a play doh snake

Congrats to Cody Miller for getting 2nd in semifinals


Oh shit.

bring it on Imgur!

I wish I could have these conversations with mine...


I know it's international cat day but my cat passed away a few years ago so here is my doge :)

I'm not racist, but how nice is pizza?

MRW I do stand up and I try to be friendly with the entirely Asian audience

No Man's Sky - Mountain


When i try and impress chicks

Trippin' Paws

Brief Rant Against MoviePass

I should probably find something more stimulating to do in the shower.

10 commandments that I can get behind

me IRL

hd wallpaper


MRW I find out there's only 123 kakapo parrots left in the wild

Good ol dump

weird Texas


my dad and i rebuilt this 10 years ago for college

Ever seen a Polydactyl cat before?

Show me a more perfectly looped gif.

Tiffany Falls. Ancaster, Ontario.

Iceland Honeymoon