Saturday, December 31, 2016

Sociopolitical instability oer time

And now you know



Sooo my game turned a bit political this week...

Proper Christmas beer

Mlelectric alpinistyka przemysłowa

One year of weight loss (Before and After)

Lewis in infinite warfare?




old people

Golden Mlem

Québec traditional food!

Tear of the World Child-Rights

Friday, December 30, 2016

MRW It's Friday and I'm told I have to work Saturday but I can leave early today but get stopped as I'm walking out the door with "change of plans, you can't leave yet, you have to go to a job site now"

I don't know what you people want, but I think this is what you need.

Christmas time is here, I needed to *brighten* up my day

Let's crash the front page with this one.

Dog thing


A wild MISSINGNO. appeared!


ScrixDzn Banner | Top10 Flash

Pokemon Destiny - Fan Game Screenshot

Secret Santa!

Loaded with booze

This made me smirk
